class Solution:
def rotateMatrix(self, mat, n):
# [1,2,3]
# [4, 5, 6]
# [7,8, 9]
# [7,4,1]
# [8, 5, 2]
# [9,6, 3]
# 1. set the start and end of row and start and end boundary of column
# 2. loop until start of row >= end of row
# compute the distance of column to start of colum
# top = mat[r_s][c_s+d]
# right = mat[c_s+d][c_e]
# bottom = mat[r_e][c_e - d]
# left = mat[r_e-d ][c_s]
if not mat:
return mat
r_s, r_e = 0, n-1
c_s, c_e = 0, n-1
while r_s <r_e:
for d in range(0, c_e -c_s):
tmp = mat[r_s][c_s + d]
# left to top
mat[r_s][c_s + d] = mat[r_e - d][c_s]
#bottom to left
mat[r_e - d][c_s] = mat[r_e][c_e-d]
# right to bottom
mat[r_e][c_e-d] = mat[r_s +d][c_e]
# top to right
mat[r_s +d][c_e] = tmp
r_s += 1
r_e -= 1
c_s += 1
c_e -= 1
return mat