Find TopK largest- QuickSelect快速选择 method

Medium; quickselect; 腾讯;

2. 题目描述









3. 思路

  1. 像quicksort 一样先把pivot选出来,然后partition使pivot左边的数字大于pivot,右边的小于pivot (这里是从大到小排)

  2. 把pivot的position和 K-1对比(因为index是从0开始的),如果pivot index > K-1, 那么end = pivot -1. 如果pivot index < K-1, 那么start = pivot +1.如果一样,那就返回pivot对应的element

  3. Time Complexity: worst case O(n^2), average case O(nlogn). Space: (1) 没有用recursion


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

class Solution:
    def findKth(self, a, n, K):
        # write code here
        # quick select idea:
        # quick sort:
        # 1. pick pivot and move element  pivot to left to pivot, element > pivot, right ot pivot
        # 2. recursion step 1 to go throught the left subarray, right subarray
        # 3. if no longer partition, return 
        # quicksort:
        # In partition part, check if K position in left or right subarray
        # then only consider that subarray include K and recursion on this subarray
        # until subarray contains one element, then that is K largest element
        #base case: if K >n: return None, a == None, reutrn None
        # Time: O(n^2) if array is almost sorted and recursion becomes list. O(nlogn) if not sorted
        # SPace  O(1) work in-place without recursion
        if not a or n< K:
            return None
        return self.quickselect(a, n, 0, n-1,K)
    def quickselect(self, a, n, start, end, K):
        while start <= end-1:
            pivot =  self.partition(a, start, end)
            if K-1  <pivot:
                end = pivot-1
            elif K-1 >pivot:
                start = pivot+1
                return a[pivot]
        return a[end]
    def partition(self, a, start, end):
        if start >= end:
            return end
        pivot_idx = end
        fast_pt, stored_idx = start, start
        while fast_pt < end:
            if a[fast_pt] >= a[pivot_idx]:
                a[fast_pt], a[stored_idx] = a[stored_idx], a[fast_pt]
                stored_idx += 1
            fast_pt += 1
        a[pivot_idx] , a[stored_idx] = a[stored_idx], a[pivot_idx] 
        l_s = start
        l_e = stored_idx -1
        r_s = stored_idx +1
        r_e = end
        return stored_idx

用min-heap 找TopK largest 的方法

class Solution:
    def findKth(self, a, n, K):
        # method2: heap sort
        # 1. build a min-heap using first K element in array
        # 2. use min-heap to pop the minimum element repeatedly until
        #   the heap contain only K leement. Then the last element as top k largest
        import heapq
        if K >n and not a:
            return None
        heap = [a[i] for i in range(K)]
        pt = K
        while pt < n:
            heapq.heappush(heap, a[pt])
            pt += 1
        # return the minimum value in the K largest values of array
        # that is TopK largest 
        return heapq.heappop(heap)

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