Maximum Path Sum Binary Tree II

Hard. 二叉树任意两个节点的最大路径和




2. 题目:

Given a binary tree in which each node contains an integer number. Find the maximum possible sum from any node to any node (the start node and the end node can be the same).


  • ​The root of the given binary tree is not null


  /    \
2      11
     /    \
    6    -14

one example of paths could be -14 -> 11 -> -1 -> 2

another example could be the node 11 itself

The maximum path sum in the above binary tree is 6 + 11 + (-1) + 2 = 18

How is the binary tree represented?

We use the level order traversal sequence with a special symbol "#" denoting the null node.

For Example:

The sequence [1, 2, 3, #, #, 4] represents the following binary tree:

  /   \
 2     3


  1. 和之前的任意两个leaf node的最大路径不同的是,这个是任意两个node之间的最大路径,所以在把一个node的left, right subtree的max path相加之前,要先看一下来自left, right 的max path是否大于0。 如果是left/right 的从上往下的max path sum <0, 那么就不用加那个path了

  2. 思路:任意另个node的max path sum = max (left 的path sum, right的max path sum, left + right + node的跨了两个branchd的path sum) 对于每一个node,找到它left, right subtree的自上而下的consecutive max path sum,如果这个从上往下的path sum是等于0,就加到cur.value 否则如果是负数时,负数加上去不会对max path sum有贡献所以直接设置为0,不考虑。之后在和global max对比更新。最后把加上当前的node的value的从上往下的consecutive的max path sum返回到上一层。

  3. 步骤就是

    1. 遍历每一个node

    2. recursion的输入是node, 输出是从那个node开始自上往下最大的path sum

    3. 如果node是none,返回 0

    4. 在每一个node里面找到left, right children的自上往下的max path sum,如果自上往下max path sum >0, 就 left +right +node.val 得到从左往右的max path sum

    5. 把从左往右的max path sum和 global max path sum 对比并更新

    6. 返回加上当前节点的自上往下的max path sum

Source Code

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.left = None
#         self.right = None
class Solution(object):
  def maxPathSum(self, root):
    input: TreeNode root
    return: int
    # write your solution here
    # 1. question: input: root, output: maximum path sum from any node to any node
    # 2. idea:
    #   iterate every node in tree:
    #     for every node, find the max sum of its left consecutive path and max sum of its right consecutive path 
    #     compare the value of :  left path max sum, right path max sum, node.val and 
    #                            (left path max sum + right path max sum + node.val) and global max sum of path
    #    update global max sum of path of any two node, 更新任意两个node 之间的pathsum的最大值
    #    return max path sum of single path under this node 返回单条从上往下连续path的sum
    # Time: O(n), Space O(n) for imbalance tree, O(logn) for balance tree
    if not root:
      return None
    self.max_sum = -float('inf')
    return self.max_sum
  def helper(self, node):
    if not node:
      return 0
    left = max(self.helper(node.left),0)
    right = max(self.helper(node.right),0)
    # if left or right <0, then no need to add them to max_path
    #  max_path can be single path or sum of two paths or only node.val
    # then compare it with the global max
    max_path = left + right + node.val
    self.max_sum = max(max_path, self.max_sum)
    # return the single path with max sum
    return max(left,right) +node.val

Last updated

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