Given a set of characters represented by a String, return a list containing all subsets of the characters.
There are no duplicate characters in the original set.
Set = "abc", all the subsets are [“”, “a”, “ab”, “abc”, “ac”, “b”, “bc”, “c”]
Set = "", all the subsets are [""]
Set = null, all the subsets are []
3. 思路
In recursion tree, each level = one char, each branch = choose or no choose that char
use pos, position of char to select each different char in action set in each level to avoid duplication of solution
Time: O(2^n), n = number of action/char in list, since each action can be "pick" or "not pick", it is binary tree
Space: O(logn)
4. Coding
# class Solution(object):
# def subSets(self, setstr):
# """
# input : String setstr
# return : String[]
# """
# # write your solution here
# # if not setstr:
# # return setstr
# # if len(setstr)==0:
# # return [""]
# decision_set = list(setstr)
# results = []
#, [], 0, decision_set)
# return results
# def bt(self, results, result, cur_pos, decision_set):
# if cur_pos == len(decision_set):
# results.append("".join(result[:]))
# return
# # pick current char
# result.append(decision_set[cur_pos])
#, result, cur_pos+1, decision_set)
# result.pop(-1)
# # Not pick current char
#, result, cur_pos+1, decision_set)
class Solution(object):
def subSets(self, setstr):
input : String setstr
return : String[]
# idea: DFS
# action = char, sol: solution, sols : list of solutions, pos: position of action
# in recursion tree:
# i^th level represent i^th char in action set
# branch of the level can be selecting this char, or not select
# then each char is considered once so no char are duplicated, and we can find subset without duplication
# in recursion tree of dfs:
# 1. if pos == len(action), all actions are checked, then append solution to sols
# 2. select one char in action set at pos
# 3. don't not select char in action set at pos, but just move forward to the next char
# so no char can be consider twices
# action = "abc"
# pos= 0:a a ""
# pos= 1:b ab a"" b ""
# pos= 2:c abc ab ac a""" bc b c ""
action = list(setstr)
sol = []
sols = []
pos = 0, sol, action, pos)
return sols
def bt(self, sols, sol, action, pos):
if pos == len(action):
# considering current char
sol.append(action[pos]), sol, action, pos+1)
# without considering current char, sol, action, pos+1)