Search In Shifted Sorted Array II

Given a target integer T and an integer array A, A is sorted in ascending order first, then shifted by an arbitrary number of positions.

For Example, A = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2} (shifted left by 2 positions). Find the index i such that A[i] == T or return -1 if there is no such index.


  • There could be duplicate elements in the array.

  • Return the smallest index if target has multiple occurrence.


  • A = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2}, T = 4, return 1

  • A = {3, 3, 3, 1, 3}, T = 1, return 3

  • A = {3, 1, 3, 3, 3}, T = 1, return 1

Corner Cases

  • What if A is null or A is of zero length? We should return -1 in this case.


  1. 先把所有的 array[mid]在target右边的情况全列出来,并更新right

  2. 当 array[mid] == array[0] 时我们不清楚mid是在target的右边还是左边,就默认把left +=1右移逐个检查, 把left, right 中间的searching space往中间缩小, 有可能arr[mid] == arr[0], 并且mid是在arr右端, 而arr[0] 在左端,要往中间缩小搜索范围

  3. else默认左移right

  4. Time: O(n) worest case, average case: O(logn)

class Solution(object):
  def search(self, array, target):
    input: int[] array, int target
    return: int
    # write your solution here
    if not array:
      return -1
    left, right = 0,  len(array)-1
    stored_idx = []
    while left < right-1:
      if array[left] ==target or array[right] ==target:
      mid = (left + right)//2
      # when target == array[0], we need to move right to mid as well
      if (array[mid]>=target and target > array[0] ) or (array[mid]>=target and array[mid]< array[0] )  or ( target >= array[0] and array[mid] < array[0]):
        right = mid
      elif array[mid] == array[0]:
        #将 left, right searching space 往中间缩小
        left += 1
        left = mid
    if array[left] == target:
      return left
    if array[right] == target:
      return right
    return -1

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