Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1, compute how much water it is able to trap after raining.
For example,
Given [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1], return 6.
3. 思路
在array里面 找global max height的index位置
定义local max height=A[0],从左往global max height的位置走,如果A[cur] < local max height, 就result加上高度差(水位的深度)。如果A[cur] >=local max height, 更新local max height,之后继续找高度差
定义 local max height=A[-1],从右往global max height的位置走,如果A[cur] < local max height, 就resut加上高度差(水位的深度)。如果A[cur] >=local max height, 更新local max height,之后继续找高度差
Time Complexity: O(3n) = O(n), Space O(1)
4. Code
class Solution(object):
def trapWater(self, A):
input: int[] A
return: int
# write your solution here
# question: input array, element = height, output: cattle capactiy
#2. idea
# two pointers: from left to right
# if the next position height < cur height, set left_pt = cur.
# move right_pt to next until height of right_pt >=left_pt
# store right pt, search the capacity between left_pt and right_pt
# update capacity
# set left_pt = right_pt
# case2: next posti height > cur height, left_pt = right_pt = next position
# bsae case: len(A) <=2, return 0
# idea 2:
# first find the global max height
# left pointer from left to global max height
# let A[0] = local max height
# if pt height < local height
# capacity += local height - pt height (depth in one column)
# elif pt height > local height:
# update local height
# do the same thing start from right to the global max height position
if len(A) <=2:
return 0
capacity = 0
global_h_ind = 0
pt = 1
while pt < len(A):
if A[pt] > A[global_h_ind]:
global_h_ind =pt
pt += 1
#from left to global height
local_h = A[0]
pt = 1
while pt < global_h_ind:
if A[pt] < local_h:
capacity += local_h - A[pt]
local_h = A[pt]
pt += 1
# from right to gloabl max height
local_h = A[-1]
pt = len(A)-2
while pt > global_h_ind:
if A[pt] < local_h:
capacity += local_h - A[pt]
local_h = A[pt]
pt -= 1
return capacity