Binary Tree diameter I

没有weight的二叉树直径, 直接用node的高度计算直径



Given a binary tree in which each node contains an integer number. The diameter is defined as the longest distance from one leaf node to another leaf node. The distance is the number of nodes on the path.

If there does not exist any such paths, return 0.



/ \

2 11

/ \

6 14

The diameter of this tree is 4 (2 → 5 → 11 → 14)

How is the binary tree represented?

We use the level order traversal sequence with a special symbol "#" denoting the null node.

For Example:

The sequence [1, 2, 3, #, #, 4] represents the following binary tree:


/ \

2 3



想法: top-down+ bottom up

  1. 遍历tree的每一个node

  2. 在recursion里面: 输入: 下一个child node, 输出: 那个node的高度

    1. 在当前的node里面从left, right children得到对应的高度

    2. 把left,right的高度相加再+1 当前的node得到当前subtree 的直径

    3. 把当前的直径和global max的直径对比,更新global max 直径

    4. 返回当前的node的高度,即max(left, right) +1

class Solution(object):
  def diameter(self, root):
    input: TreeNode root
    return: int
    # write your solution here
    # 1.confirm question
    #  tree diameter is the longest path from one leaf node to another leaf node in the tree
    #  Assumption/Base case 
    # 3. method 1: use global max 
    # 4. debug
    #   test case:
    #         1
    #   None    2
    #        None 3
    #           5   4
    # the diameter is 3:   5->3->4
    # 5. TIme complexity: O(n) since we need to go through every node to check the height and update max_path
    #   space compelxity: O(h)
    if not root :
      return 0
    self.max_path = 0
    height = self.get_diameter(root)
    return self.max_path 

  def get_diameter(self, node):
    height =0
    # base case when cur node is none
    if not node:
      return height
    # get height
    left_h = self.get_diameter(node.left)
    right_h = self.get_diameter(node.right)
    # update height of current node
    height = max(left_h,right_h) +1
    if left_h != 0 and right_h != 0:
      self.max_path = max(self.max_path , left_h + right_h + 1)
    return height

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.left = None
#         self.right = None
class Solution(object):
  def diameter(self, root):
    input: TreeNode root
    return: int
    # write your solution here
    # 1.confirm question
    #  tree diameter is the longest path from one leaf node to another leaf node in the tree
    #  Assumption/Base case 
    #   1. when tree has root node only: return 0
    #   2. when root node has only one node and that child node doesn't have children node-> return 0 since there is no path
    # 2. input: root node of tree node, output : the length of tree diameter
    # 3. idea:
    #  1. check if node dosen't exists, return 0
    #  2. use recursion to iterate each node in tree
    #     in each node, use get_height to obtain the max heigh of two children  of current node
    #     sum up two heights + 1 to get the path length and compare it with the max path length from two children node
    #     return the maximum length
    #  3. base case: when node is none, then return height 0, max_path = 0
    #     base case, when node is not none, it contain only one children, then return height of children+1,  max_path from children
    #     base case, when node and its two children nodes are not none,
    #     then compute max_path = heightof left children + height of right children  + 1 and compare it with max_path from 
    #    its children nodes
    # 4. debug
    #   test case:
    #         1
    #   None    2
    #        None 3
    #           5   4
    # the diameter is 3:   5->3->4
    # 5. TIme complexity: O(n) since we need to go through every node to check the height and update max_path
    #   space compelxity: O(h)
    if not root:
      return 0
    height, max_path = self.get_diameter(root)
    return max_path

  def get_diameter(self, node):
    height, max_path =0,0
    # base case when cur node is none
    if not node:
      return height, max_path
    # get height
    left_h, left_path = self.get_diameter(node.left)
    right_h, right_path = self.get_diameter(node.right)
    # update height of current node
    height = max(left_h,right_h) +1
    #when path exist,children node are not none, then update max path 
    if right_h!= 0 and left_h != 0:
      max_path = left_h + right_h +1
    # update diameter by comparing the max_path from left, right and current node
    max_path = max(max_path, left_path,right_path)
    return height, max_path

Last updated

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